Omomo is not a name ..It just something I used to say and type..^^ and this blog is actually for my GP!! Since this column is about profile~ (^o^)V .. I just tell you briefly about me.. I'm 17 years old ^^ *younger than moyang* ..My favourite line is "omomo* ..enough??




Moyang *Ili*


•November 2008


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Sunday, 9 November 2008

[Part 3]

source: bbc.co.uk

Title of the article: New street designs are unveiled

Date: 18/09/2008


The Birmingham Gateway project, which got the go-ahead in February, aims to cater for more than 52m rail users a year. The designs by Foreign Office Architects create "a modern gateway to the city for ......

You can read the full article by clicking the following link



With the new good-looking streets, more people will be attracted to it and it became known to the world. This is all thanks to the architects. The creativity shown by these architects is so breathtaking and even I am impressed with it. But where did the architects get the idea of such a creative structure?

Alejandro Zaera-Polo, principle architect at the firm, said: "We were inspired by the movement of people and trains at New Street and the beauty of the skyline. Our concept reflects all these components."

Probably some of us think the idea created from the movement of people and trains is impossible to be one's design and tend to think it as a fiction. However, artistic people can figure it out like what the architect did. Design it! People cannot assume fiction is merely imaginations that are useless. If there's no fiction, there will be no rare design and ideas. Thus, all the things that created will be all plain and dull. Hence, If design is art, fiction is also consider an art. Just think and see! All the things surround you, how are they design? or building design nowadays..


Leaning tower of piso

How do you think they design this?

It starts from the imaginations. All they have to do is balancing so the building won't bring destruction. They need to know that the building is stable *won't fall* and the space inside is convenient to the people who used the building. Who want it to be small inside?

So people need to use the idea/imaginations wisely. Use the fictional idea and turn it to reality. Unless the idea is totally nonsense such as powers that are shown in some cartoons like dragon ball. There's no way people will have that kind of power.

With this, people can design things in many forms and shapes. Maybe, there are unexpected design in the future. Lets wait and see!! (^0^)v


More pictures of the Birmingham new streets can be view:


Have a look at it. It is so beautiful and attractive.


This article is related to art.

Comments are welcome *HERE*

To view the comment page, just click (here)

-end the task-






Look! (o.o) | 20:12

Saturday, 8 November 2008

[Part 2]

Source: cnn.com

Title of the article: Why family meals matter

Date: 07/11/2008

Preview :
This holiday season, one of the most valuable gifts you'll give your family won't come wrapped in a box or have a card attached. Instead, it will happen around your dining table, where you'll sit down to share a meal, conversation, and traditions with the people who matter most to you. And....

You can read the full article by clicking the following link



People nowadays are busy with their work and sometimes they can't spend the time with their family. Thus, they will not be as close as they should be. When compared to the past years, the children would know more information which related to them such as relatives even the far relatives. Besides, they were close to each other. Did you ever wonder why today's children only know their relatives which live within 10 km from their house? Even if they knew the far relatives, do they know each other and remember their names well? They don't remember! Why did this happen to most of us? The answer is so obvious. This is due to less communication between parents and children. There are things that children can't learn through studies at school but from parents. If they seldom contact with each other, how would they know?

Therefore, this article might help you how to spend at least 3 hours with your family in daily which is during our breakfast, lunch and dinner. Having meals with family is the most wonderful thing. You can gain a lot of benefit and lose nothing if you did it. You can know a lot of facts about the family generations and updates within your family. Its like sharing the family happiness. Besides, family closeness showing how sweets you are. People always talk how cute if the family are together *this happened when they saw in the movie*. If you are envy with such closeness, why not trying to be close to your family?

Aside from the closeness and family basic knowledge, family meals are 99% healthy. If you said you did eat the meals cook by your mother but not with the family, the diet you eat is not as healthy as if you eat with family. Eager to know why? I actually wondering why too because I always eat without my family *sigh*. From the article, family meals are controllable. With the amount foods served at the dining table, the chef *mother* will give a right quantity of foods to each individual. At that moment, it won't be as quiet as you think, at least one member of the family will talk. Then the other members will join. When I think about this, the common topic they will talk is about their children achievement or if the parent saw their children separated the vegetables from the main meal and transferred it to another plate as if they are enemies, the parent will at least advised them how healthy that vegetables are and convinced their children to eat the vegetables.

Just imagine when you are eating alone *I don't think you should do that though since I think you already experienced it* Maybe at this moment, when you read this, you are eating, did you ever notice, how quite your surrounding is? It's because you are alone. There is another disadvantage of eating alone. You can just take how much you want without caring how unhealthy it was to take more than you need.

And if you noticed, having meal with family are usually at a certain time. That time is actually the perfect time to eat! It gives time for the stomach to digest the foods you are eating. For instance, just compared these two next statement:

Situation 1
A is eating dinner with her/his family at 7 pm. He/She is so happy knowing many facts about their family. He/she just told his/her family about his recent achievements. Besides, he/she just knew that his/her sister got a scholarship. Not to mention, his/her sister invite the whole family to go shopping tomorrow. It's something to be looking forward. (^0^) What a great day! He/she just need to do his/her homeworks soon so he/she can enjoy the whole day tomorrow.

Situation 2
A is eating dinner after he/she played his/her computer game which is.......at 11.00 pm. After 25 minutes rest, he/she will go to his/her bed...and SLEEP.

Which one do you think is better? The first statement right? It's not that I want to mention my earlier task *about obesity*, but A *situation 2* will surely gain weight faster since the leftover digested foods are stored as fats. He/She is not using it for doing works.

And like the article state
those who frequently ate with their families had better grades and lower rates of depression, and they were less likely to use alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs.

My favorite quote in the article:

"Family meals aren't just about food, they're about family."


This article is related to food&health, family

Comments are welcome *HERE*
To view the comment page, just click (here)


Look! (o.o) | 00:42

Friday, 7 November 2008

I'm back with a difficult tasks..well, I'm not saying that writing a comment is too DIFFICULT but I have difficulty in choosing WHICH one to write. Anyway, I have my dice to choose the topics.. *sigh*.

Well, my tasks are writing my own opinion for FOUR THREE articles. I will write them in separate parts though.

Are you ready?
Lets BEGIN!!!!

[Part 1]

Source : Telegraph.co.uk

Title of the article: Rainforest fungus can be new source of biofuel

Date: 04/11/2008

Preview :
............ .Experts believe the organism, Gliocladium roseum, which produces almost pure bio diesel could potentially be a completely new source of green energy. The fungus, which lives inside the Ulmo tree in the Patagonian rainforest, naturally produces hydrocarbon fuel similar to.............

You can read the full articles by clicking the following link


Fuels from natural source! I think it is a good news. Besides, unlike crude oil, fungus won't be finish. The fungus will keep on growing which mean it's a renewable resources. This foundation might be people's future hope if there is any severe situation such as running out of geothermal energy which produce electricity.

With reference to the article, Prof Strobel found that when the diesel fuel fungus was exposed to potentially toxic antibiotics, it reacted defensively by generating volatile gases. However, something exciting was found when he furthered the investigation about this fungus.
"Then when we examined the gas composition of G. roseum, we were totally surprised to learn that it was making a plethora of hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon derivatives," said Prof Strobel.

This shows that not even one living thing is useless in this world. We might think the fungus are useless. Who knows that it can be fuel if these scientists did not research for it. If you need to wait for 100 millions year for crude oil to form from dead seas animals and plant, why not start to plant the fungus in high yield? Probably that would bring more advantages. Besides, high yield meaning you can use it in many areas such as for electricity or fuels for cars. This will also increase the country's income and more jobs related to fungus-fuel manufacture will be offered to the country's people. Less jobless people, country will develop faster than before, thus the standard of living will also be high.

Since the resource is renewable, it is more reliable and somehow it guaranteed people's life *people won't have to worry it will run-out and they have to quit the job*. When compared to oil which is not a renewable resources, soon it will totally gone in future years, not now, probably our next, next generation , so people have to search for a new resource to replace it which is not easy to accomplish.

Furthermore, the foundation of this fungus as a bio-fuel will inspire people that there are more useful living things(plants) are needed to figure it out.


I search for the picture of this fungus and I found it ..!! yay! *anyway, the chances for founding the picture is high..why am I so excited about this? *sigh**

here is it: people who are interested to see how it looks like, come and take a nice look of it!

*note: I don't own this picture, so credit goes to whoever i got this from...which I don't know*

This article is related to
environment, science

*another note : this is just part 1..there are three two more articles to be posted*

Comments are welcome *HERE*
To view the comment page, just click (here)


Look! (o.o) | 22:33

Monday, 3 November 2008

Am I taking sufficient food everyday? Is the food too much for me for a day? Why do people become obese? Am I obese?

When we talk about obesity, these will surely pop up in our mind, right? But before you know any answer for these questions, you need to know


Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to such extent that health may be negatively affected. In other words, having too much fats in the body.

To those who are interested in knowing either they are in overweight class or average, you can calculate on your own by referring at this formula and result list:

Formula ---> Body Mass Index (BMI) = weight(kg) / [height (m) x height (m)]


Result :
Below 20 - underweight
20 to below 25 - Healthy weight *clap to yourself*
25 to below 30 - Overweight
30 and above - Very overweight

Back to our topic, for those who are obese, this is surely not a good news for you. You which include your body and your mind. Being obese will tire you and always makes you feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, having extra fats is like carrying extra weight and eventually hurts the joints in your body since the stress are added up and if this situation is still continue, you might not be able to move freely like before or worst, you might ended up using a wheelchair or just staying at the bed all the time. As you can see, this is merely the effect on the appearance. You don't know obesity can have more serious effects on health than at the appearance. For instance, Inflammation, scarring, and permanent liver damage. This is due to the accumulation of fats in the liver. Not to forget, coronary heart disease and diabetes are also likely to happen in this case.

For your information, Coronary artery disease is a condition in which plaque(fats, cholesterol, calcium and other substances found in the body) builds up inside the coronary arteries and these arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. This plaque narrows the arteries and reduces blood flow to your heart muscle. It also makes it more likely that blood clots will form in your arteries. Blood clots can partially or completely block blood flow. This will eventually cause a heart attack and....DEATH!

While diabetes is a condition that occurs when a person's blood glucose levels are higher than normal. I did heard about this. *sigh* Those who are having diabetes at the early age, their life spam is reduced.


:: Note - I don't really like biology, thus I don't really mean to talk abut this complicated stuff but anyway, it just for your information. ::


This is just a simple survey I made [a comparison between me and my friend ^0^]

My diet data regarding obesity:
Well, I usually drink fizzy drinks when they are available in my refrigerator. Luckily they are not. So I guess I just have to wait until I visit the fast food restaurant which is likely to happen every Saturday. It depends on my mood or my father though. (-_-:). Thinking about snacks which also can cause obesity, to tell you honestly, I don't really exposed to that kind of foods *snacks* so I'm not interested to buy it. AND CHOCOLATE! I only buy specific brand like Meiji or Lotte. Other than that, I will think. Besides, the price is .....something that makes me doubt to buy it. So the chances for me to buy is 45.87% . ^-^ Most of the time, I will put the chocolate back to its tray

At home, I think we just eat healthy foods *...-speechless-...I THINK* . My mom won't bake anything due to business and baking is also not my thing ^-^ It will be worse if i burnt it. For breakfast, I do eat bread sometimes but not cereal.

If you are wondering how many times I go to fast food restaurant, its like once a week! SATURDAY!! MY FAVORITE DAY! *the only day i can go to fast food restaurant..KFC to be exact*. The menu I will order is the same for every week! Just burger! Small size burger!! *is it medium?..do they have size? and NOT SUPERSIZED TOO!!* NO FRIES *if it is given for free, I would give it to my father. COKE YES! Other add-ons NO! *giggling* -I wonder why am I so hyper when I talk about KFC?-

My friend's diet data:
I stalked this at her blog. *sorry* Well, I don't really want to elaborate her diet. but whatever, I will do this briefly *I will edit it later once I got proper model* (0-0)
This is taken at moyang's blog~ *I will definitely change this post -edit- when I got Mizah's data*. Well, from the blog, Moyang seems to not understand the questions. I surveyed in term of a week but she answered ..in term of a month! Anyway, this was her results. She drinks fizzy drinks twice a month. *sigh* She eats snacks 4 or 5 times a month. *I need to whack her for answering in month term* ..........................................THAT'S ALL? *I think I will definitely edit this...not a good model! unfinished data!*

My friend's diet data *second person*:
I surveyed Mizah yesterday and I think her diet can be consider as average. She said she drinks fizzy drinks once a week. As for snacks, she also said she will eat it....ONCE A WEEK. She told me that she is not really into this type of foods so she might buy or not buy it. If chocolate, hmmmmm ....she looks like she is not interested in sweets things (^o^;). so her answer is....again..once a week.

Since donuts and cookies are also sweets foods, *sigh* I can predict the answer already! ONCE A WEEK! *dancing happily for predicting the answer correctly*. Eating the cereal.......also once a week...*speechless*

*trying to finish the survey*

When it comes to fast food restaurant, she just said...once a week~.....so....i forgot to ask her which fast food restaurant she likes to go. For the supersize food question, I don't think the answer "once a week" fit the question. Thus, her answer is NO!
*phew~ finally*

As a conclusion, after reading both surveys , ..*now i can't decide who is healthier*. If I compared between moyang and me, definitely I won the healthy place but with Mizah, wah, I don't know. She is healthy too. Anyway, thanks to my sensitive stomach for avoiding me from being a gluttony *no offense* and sick.

Some tips to maintain yourself:
- Do exercise...If you are lazy, then just do some dance...at home...anywhere you like as long as you do exercise and make sure it becomes one of your routines.
- This might be a little hard for those who are obese but try to reduce slowly the amount of foods you eat.
- Most important, THINK!

If you followed the tips, probably you can avoid yourself to become an obese and if you are not thinking properly and tend to continue to eat more and more , I just know this one sentence..It is totally dedicated for you.

*close the door*

*comments are welcome > HERE*
Link to comment page *If you want to read though* (click here)


Look! (o.o) | 17:41

Saturday, 1 November 2008

*rushing to the front door and open*
*cough cough*

You know Hazimah? *...all people are shaking their head* -_-;
That's me!

Well I got a story here..Our teacher asked us to create a blog for GP, and I am pretty sure that this will be an on-going project? (*whisper* is it a project?) I don't know..let just wait and see~ We will know sooner or later omomo!

If you are wondering what is GP? It is just a short name for general paper and this general paper requires our knowledge+basics about the world and surroundings~ I don't know if it includes the outer space and moon or other planets but yeah, it is basically about our world!! Not to forget my own country ^-^ ..I need to know it better than other countries

..uhh I think that's the end for my first post..
*blink blink*
ok..I go now..
you can dismiss too ^^
*..close the door*

Look! (o.o) | 11:03